Can Adults Get Braces?

You often see teenagers with braces and might have even thought that this was the only stage in life when wearing braces is appropriate. We are here to tell you that you don’t have to worry about missing the train on braces in teenagehood. Your smile can still be tweaked with braces as an adult. 

Patients sometimes believe that braces are solely for cosmetic purposes. The truth is that the cosmetic portion is a bonus. Braces have the ability to address several dental concerns. Braces have the ability to prevent gum disease, improve eating habits, and improve your smile. 

We understand that you might have some questions with regards to getting braces as an adult. We dotted down below 5 facts that our patients have incurred about in the past. We hope this helps you weigh out your options. 

You Won’t Have to Wear Braces for The Rest of Your Life

The majority of adults that opt to get braces end up needing them for 14-26 months. This is a small amount of time considering the long term effects of the apparatus. 

There are different styles of braces to choose from depending on your needs and preferences. Each style requires a different time commitment. The severity of the problems within the smile also affect the length that the person will need to wear braces. 

Orthodontics is a continuous evolving practice. Technology has allowed for treatments to be precise and personalized. This translates into a speedy process to achieve desired results. 

Your Dental Health Will Improve

We mentioned earlier that braces promote dental health benefits. Sometimes patients don’t even realize that the dental issues they experience go hand-in-hand with a misaligned smile. 

One of the top benefits of an aligned smile is that food does not get stuck between the teeth as frequently. This is due to the fact that the gaps between the teeth are corrected. The nice thing about not having this problem is that there is lower risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 

There Are Different Options of Braces

There is no shortage of options when it comes to braces these days. You can choose between traditional metal braces, porcelain braces, and invisible braces. 

Your choice will depend on your personal preference and the severity of misalignment within your teeth. Our team will help you understand the differences between each of the options available and guide you in the right direction to achieve your goals. 

Braces Can Be Very Convenient

Technology has equipped our team with the ability to make advanced diagnostics and come up with accurate, personalized treatment solutions. You can expect to be in and out of our office a lot quicker than you think during your visits for braces. We value your time and understand that being an adult is very busy. With that being said, we want you to know that being busy shouldn’t come in-between you and your dream smile. 

Your Confidence Will Rise

The way you feel about yourself is important. Braces are a priceless way to regain your confidence and zest for life. We had seen it time and time again with our patients. 

When you have your dream smile, you will have the confidence to smile more. Smiling is a great way to invite others into a conversation. This automatically makes you more likable and therefore, improves your overall confidence. 

We know that you might have more questions that are specific to your situation. We want to encourage you to contact us to book an appointment with our team. We will happily assess your situations, go over your concerns, and offer the best solution to turn your dream smile into a real-life smile. 

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