The Myths and Facts About Fluoride

The Myths and Facts About Fluoride

Did you know that fluoride is a natural mineral? It can be found in water and certain foods. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions with regards to fluoride. This makes it quite complicated for patients to make informed decisions when it comes to the mineral.

We wanted to dot down some of the myths out there pertaining to fluoride with relevant facts that you should know. We hope that this will help you choose the correct products for your at home oral hygiene practices. 

Myth: Fluoride is a toxic chemical that can cause harm to the human body.

Corresponding fact: Fluoride can be found naturally in water and other food sources. It is a natural element which even exists in small traces within the human body. Fluoride has been proven to be safe and is added to water in many countries to help prevent tooth decay. 

Myth: Only North America uses fluoride in water.

Corresponding fact: Water fluoridation is practiced across many countries to help their citizens prevent tooth decay. There are other countries such as Bulgaria, Chile, China, Peru, Russia, and Thailand that have opted for milk fluoridation instead. 

Myth: Fluoride is a danger to children’s health. 

Corresponding fact: While fluoride is a natural mineral, it should not be used in excess. This is especially true when it comes to children. This is also one of the reasons why it’s important to use children’s toothpaste for minors under 6 years of age. Once a child has all of their adult teeth, they can begin to use adult toothpaste. 

Myth: Fluoride is not needed to clean or whiten teeth. 

Corresponding Fact: Fluoride’s main purpose is to stop tooth decay and to make the teeth more resistant to future decay. Technically speaking, you can clean your teeth without fluoride and they will remain fresh and clean. However, your teeth won’t be protected against decay without it. 

The main goal of daily dental hygiene practices is to keep your smile intact and protected from cavities. The fresh white smile is an added bonus. 

Myth: You can get too much fluoride from using toothpastes with fluoride as an ingredient.

Corresponding Fact: Fluoride is beneficial when used topically on the teeth. This can be done via toothpastes or the dental gels used during cleanings. There are rare cases of fluoride overuse, which are known as fluorosis. These cases present themselves as fine white lines or flecking on the surface of the teeth during their initial stages. If the overuse of fluoride continues, you might experience the tooth enamel becoming pitted or discolored. 

As with all good things in life, moderation is key when it comes to fluoride. We hope that the above facts helped you understand the truth behind some of the popular myths around fluoride. We are here to expand on any of these myths or explain the facts behind any other myths you might have heard during your next appointment. Please do not hesitate to ask. We know that being well informed is important when it comes to your dental health. 

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